Tuesday, April 14, 2015

On the Move

I don't like to travel.  But I love moving to a new residence.  By the time I was 8 years old my family had lived in 7 different cities and 9 different houses.  So, it's in my blood, this wanderlust.  We moved once more when I was 15 and then I stayed put till I left home to get married.  But I have been on the move again in the past 10 years with an average of a relocation every 2 years.  Now I am happily settled in an apartment I have lived in for 2.5 years.  I plan to stay here.  Although...an apartment with a better view would be nice....

Many times I have not had a legitimate reason to move.  Many times it's been because of a relationship ending.  Mostly it's boredom.  I get easily bored.  I love the idea of a fresh start in a new place.  It energizes me.  It fills me with a sense of adventure as I explore a new neighbourhood, or learn about a new apartment building; neighbours to be avoided, the best time to do laundry, which floor has the worst food smells, stuff like that.

The other thing I like about moving is that it gives me the motivation to declutter.  And I am moving in to a pristine apartment.  It's clean, freshly painted, ready for me to do as I will with it.  Which is usually nothing.  I have never painted an apartment I have lived in.  I can't decide on a colour, so I just leave it builder's beige.  Saves me having to repaint in two years when I move again.

To me, moving is like traveling...except I have all my stuff with me.  It's a change of scenery.  And I know I am not alone.  I have a friend who moves more often than I do.  And we both do it impulsively.  I never tell myself that I am going to move a year from now.  Usually one day I just decide to give my notice to the landlord and I start looking for a new place.

But alas, budgetary restraints and an ageing body has dampened my enthusiasm for moving.  I am getting old and set in my ways.  I am comfortable.  "Ensconced" is a word I often use for being happily at home.  And I am totally okay with it.

Still no plans to become a world traveler however.

1 comment:

EcoCatLady said...

I haven't moved in over 20 years, and honestly, even the thought fills me with terror! But the idea of being able to start with a clean slate is really attractive... On occasion I get the hankering to do some serious remodeling, and then get rid of all my furniture, and just start over from scratch. Then reality kicks in and I go back to being a lazy sloth! :-)

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