Sunday, May 24, 2020

Story a Day #21 Rain

Bryn had left things till the last minute and now her life was in danger.  She had to get to the Health Office to renew her vaccine immediately or she would be arrested.   The Officials came around each night and scanned all of the citizens of Green Earth and anyone found without a current vaccine was arrested and put in a detention centre.  Today was the last day she could go and there was a light rain falling.  What was she going to do?

A long time ago a global pandemic had wiped out most of the population of the world.  Conflict between scientists and government had created division and non-compliance amongst the people and the virus took more and more lives until it was finally contained and a vaccine was developed.  It took strict protocols to keep the remaining citizens safe.  One of these protocols was a law requiring every single person to get a vaccine and implant so the government could keep it under control.   Vaccines needed to be renewed every year.   It was quick and efficient and took very little time. You rode your bicycle (cars had been outlawed years ago) up to the window, got shot, got chipped and got your card, and you were good to go.  But chipping was painful and Bryn resented it with all her heart.  She hated being monitored all the time even though she knew it was for her own protection and those around her.

Just when it seemed the virus was finally under control and people stopped dying, it all started up again.  No one could figure out how people were becoming infected since everyone was vaccinated.   It was clear there was another source of contamination.   They finally discovered the virus was being transmitted through the water.  Billions of dollars were spent on state of the art water treatment plants and now people could bathe and wash their clothes without infection. Drinking water was delivered in glass bottles every day and the used bottles were taken away for sterilization.  Scientists, however, were unable to find a way to treat the rainwater and the virus was more virulent and resistant to the vaccine.   People were ordered to stay indoors when it rained and they were issued extra strength PPE’s to use in case they had no choice but to go out.

Bryn hated the rain PPE’S.  Mask, face shield, heavy-duty waterproof coverall, thick-soled boots, and heavy rubber gloves.  She had seen all the PSA’s that warned that the rain would kill her if she got any on her and she hadn’t been outside during a rainfall in years.   But now she would have to go out or face dire consequences because of a lapsed vaccine.  

Looking out the window at the rain, Bryn found it hard to believe that something so clear and clean looking could be so deadly.  She was tired of all of these restrictions.  The small part of her that believed this was all a government conspiracy designed to gain control of the people was getting stronger in her every day.  Yes, millions of people had died.  But not for several years.  Surely the virus had died out with no one to infect, hadn’t it?  Was it really a virulent strain falling from the sky? Had there been proof that the recent deaths were due to rain?  It just didn’t seem possible.  She remembered playing in the rain as a child, how she would dance in the puddles and let the rain hit her tongue.  It was glorious and she desperately longed to do that again.  Maybe just this once, she would go out without the RPPE.  What harm could it do just once?  One little dance in the rain for old time’s sake.   Surely not every single drop was deadly!  But she knew it was wrong.

Sighing, Bryn donned the equipment needed to venture outside and headed to her bicycle and rode off.   It took no time at all to get her errand done and Bryn felt silly for putting it off so long.   Now she was vaccinated and safe and she had to admit she did feel better. 

The rain still fell as she pedalled her way home.  Bryn could smell the air in spite of her mask and face shield.   It smelled good, so clean and fresh and like the earth.   Everything was lush and green.  As she rode Bryn decided she was tired of not feeling the rain on her skin. After all, she was newly vaccinated.  Taking off her face shield and mask she rode home feeling the rain on her face and feeling wonderful and free.   When she parked her bike she kicked off her boots and ran barefoot through the grass.  It was glorious!  She felt like a kid again.  Elated, she went inside and removed the rest of her PPE and had a hot shower with Decontamination solution.   She felt fine.  No harm done.

Two weeks later Bryn got sick with the virus and she died.   Her flaunting of the protocols had cost her her life.  Non-compliance had never gone well for people, but Bryn had thought just once wouldn’t hurt her.   And she was wrong.

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